TeleSales Manager
We are looking for an experienced telesales manager to head up our growing telesales team. As a telesales manager, you will be responsible for setting weekly and monthly sales targets, training new telesales staff, helping designing and implementing sales strategies, monitoring the performance of the sales team, and providing feedback for data points back to the data providers.
To ensure success as a telesales manager, you should have experience with telesales, advanced managerial skills, and the ability to multitask. A top-notch telesales manager provides strong guidance and assistance to the telesales team, ultimately boosting company sales.
Telesales Manager Responsibilities:
· Being a liaison between commercial and customer experience departments
· Meeting with commercial and customer experience managers to discuss telesales strategies.
· Training junior telesales staff.
· Writing sales scripts and customer answer sheets.
· Implementing sales strategies.
· Providing instant feedback for the data provided.
· Managing the telesales team and assisting junior staff.
· Monitoring the performance of the sales team.
· Setting weekly and monthly sales targets.
· Handling escalated customer complaints.
· Compiling and presenting sales reports.
Telesales Manager Requirements:
· Bachelor’s degree in marketing, human services or similar field.
· Previous experience working as a telesales manager.
· Experience in telesales preferred.
· Strong managerial and sales skills.
· Ability to multitask.
· Good verbal and written communication skills.
· Ability to work well under pressure.
· Ability to write and present reports.
· Strong organizational skills.
Email- [email protected]
Deadline: 10.05.2024
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