Dimension HR
Invest in People
Invest in People
In the name of one of the largest foreign companies in Albania, that operate in the production of construction materials, Dimension HR is recruiting candidates for the position:
College/University in the Engineering/ Architecture/ Economics/ Marketing
Work experience
Minimum 5 years of experience in Product Management, Marketing, Sales preferable within the industry.
Requirements / Skills
Product & Sales Oriented, Strong communication, Market Analysis, Prospecting Skills, Negotiation, Self-Confidence, Presentation Skills, Client Relationships, Motivation for Sales, target oriented, persuasive, analytical
Language: English – Proficient
Very good skills in the MS Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook etc.
How to apply?
All interested candidates are welcomed to send their application (CV) to the email address: [email protected] with the subject “PRODUCT PORTFOLIO & EXPORT MANAGER (building materials)”
YOU’RE WELCOME!* All applications will be treated with strict confidentiality according to the law No. 9887 for the “Protection of Personal Data”.
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